Friday 21 September 2012

The Hypothesized “Z-Prime Factor” to the Fourth POWER

Greetings my gentle readers to another week’s installment of the “Be Yourself, Often” blog. This is that time where we are able to step back, reflect, dissect, analyze and with strength and fortitude under the auspices of learning discuss the moments that have been what we called the week that was. To look at the positives and negatives that used a time that shall never come again and at the expense of that valuable resource, assess the spirit and power to learn and walk away in a way that begets more positives.
Last week we talked about co-operation and the synergistic fruits of the moments and the Free Will Covenant that we enjoy to address the situations from a positive or negative light and that synergy reflects upon “ To co-operate is to appreciate and respect the contributions and gifts of others. To give them a say and chance in as balanced of a forum as you are able. To active versus passively listen. To take only what you need and pass the plate along. To be open and receptive and wanting to manifest using what you have so as to actively thrive. That you can express yourself, be open versus absorbing the toxicities having a desire goal and endpoint in mind that is a summation of mainly the small gifts and miracles that exist in the day to day moments and actively offer to share them not just with yourself, but with others and those ideas are respected. To play nicely in the sandbox and be a kid and laugh. All these are in part recipes for better mental health which I might go into more in depth in later weeks. Suffice to say.. To give openly, expecting nothing in return but to thrive”
There is much that we can do and the essential elements that compose our being are our senses, our spirit and the incredible thing that is our humanity. Humanity is what allows us the skill sets to be able to advance in a positive or negative way and go beyond the basic elements that we are as living beings. It has been stated and encapsulated before that there are many living things on earth, and if we were to look beyond the standard X and Y axis of the graph, there is a Z axis that crosses all points. Those points are the intersection of so many miracles that come together and LIFE exists in all. That is the infinite gift of person, plant, animal, vegetation and mineral.
However, from a humanities perspective when we integrate all of these facets together, there is something even more incredible and a spiritus we can only begin to intuit. This represents beyond a medical, psychological or even bio psychosocial model. It represents the infinite blessings and gifts that we enjoy and is the true expression of the Free Will Covenant. This may be called the “Z- Prime” factor and transcends all levels of knowledge, science, and into the amorphic world of theory. Sort of like the conceptualizations that Pluto had to exist by virtue of planetary variations, even before it was seen, or the “God Particle”, one can hypothesize and validate the Z-Prime factor. Why? This represents the invisible lines and shadows that were and are and how everything is exactly as meant to be. Good or bad, happy or sad, it is about a Belief that all is meant to be and even through the Valley of the Shadow of Death (and taxes), things and events transpire that are exactly right, and as meant to be.
 The invisible lines and shadows beget the doors that open if we have the strength, fortitude and belief to open them. Having a set rigid belief in all things material, in my experience, do NOT open these doors. There is and can be construed to be a touch of the magickal in these opportunities. There is no room for that in the big, busy. Ego-driven world of stuff that we are sucked into. These are the X and Y axis and deadens the possibility of looking from an oblique angle and seeing this wonderful opportunity that DOES exist for all. Why BMW (biatch, moan, whine) when something happens and lament your existence when you could (and do) have the choice to prevent it happening again, learn from it and potentially even be a hero, which is taking the challenges that DO happen and use them to help others help themselves and prevent it happening to them.
How to achieve and see the Z-Prime axis? Avoiding filling our vase with ego, stuff and items allows room for this world. This world enhances healing, positivity and across time will reap the positives of a spirit based life. It may open up neural pathways then rejuvenate and heal and the oblique angle allows us to hear colors and see sounds. Be open, use your imagination, be kind, reciprocate in kindness wherever possible, remove hostilities, avoid getting “bent” about things and listen well and play well. Avoiding the drama that doesn’t need to be and embracing the spirit, the humanity and the universe.
For I do believe across time that we can learn from each other and these gifts will snowball and avalanche in a positive way. Be kind and be a kid at heart and play in the sandbox and imagine. Dream. Don’t look for the Z-Prime factor…be it and be yourself, often.                      

~~ Rev. Dr. Joel Lamoure  September 2012

Monday 17 September 2012

Fruits of synergy... construction vs. deconstruction

Fruits of synergy... construction vs. deconstruction
"And on the seventh day, He rested". Genesis 1

This week an amazing opportunity arose to compare those two different items, technology vs spirit and religion. Putting faith in religion, family and spirituality compared to that of technology and the subsequent impacts from both. I was going to call them opposites but since they may result in similar outcomes like creating certain ideas (if handled correctly) but also can be totally different, lets call them fruits of synergy and advancing outcomes. And indeed there are fruits of both of these items, if mutual co-operation can be brokered. The fruits of co-operation are a more harmonious, open minded and able to listen society.

 It appeals to the ethics and bioethics and belief structure vs a utilitarian approach where the human and family, despite all statements may be rather hypocritical once the veneer has been shaved off the particle covered chipboard. Competition (even when one party is not looking for competition, but making a sttement of beliefs) are what I would propose are often negative in nature. Need for superego and ego, wars, theft, crime and revving up society to the point where we need more now and engines blow. Sad isnt it as there is much that we can learn through the positive fruits of each other? Basical human kindness and tolerance is too often overshadowed by a malicious word, action or something that impacts and collecting of power and stuff.

I would actually conjecture and state that the opposite is true and that by a collaborative, communal and co-operative approach that all parties can learn and advance. This is an era of construction vs destruction.
So my gentle reader, what are we looking at if we were to consider these two items in balance and where are we at right now in a First world country as we know them? Certainly it filters down even more, but let us speak of the first world, where as I have alluded to before that we are Model T Fords in a Ferrari society? Lets keep this high level, ok? We are no doubt in a competitive state. There are some in a co-operative mode and we each have pieces of the 2 poles and each of us are at a different percentage of the balance. However, I believe there is also a social balance as well, and tipped well into the bananas world of competition, probably at least 80%. Everything has to be all about me (call me princess). I need the best car, house, clothes, food and need to shine and glow and stop. Basically, my ego needs an image and the Emperor is walking around in the buff because someone sold him a line. Why can this culture and society Just Stop This. Who does not receive if I am getting? Do I win the battle and lose the war? Who has to collect the coffee, make the clothes and the rare elements for the electronics, cars etc?

That compares different classes in the world and different countries. Thats easier for most people as they dont see, ergo they dont exist. Whatever, sucks to be them. See ya, dont write mentality.
BUT, what of the competition in a smaller microcosm like a town, city or workplace? Cultures and religions and families vs corporations and workplaces? Who gets hurt? I won so who cares is the concepts and constructs. Well someone does and I can assure you from the work that I do that people hurt so bad it can kill them, flare up sickness or dampen some beautiful spirits. Sad state of affairs. Want to be right and controlling, be a micro-manager. Thats competition, class attitude and destructive on so many levels. Thats not valuing others or respect.  Doesnt have to be at work but this also translates to family, home and social interactions.

To co-operate is to appreciate and respect the contributions and gifts of others. To give them a say and chance in as balanced of a forum as you are able. To active versus passively listen. To take only what you need and pass the plate along. To be open and receptive and wanting to manifest using what you have so as to actively thrive.That you can express yourself, be open versus absorbing the toxicities having a desire goal and endpoint in mind that is a summation of mainly the small gifts and miracles hat exist in the day to day moments and actively offer to share them not just with yourself, but with others and those ideas are respected. To play nicely in the sandbox and be a kid and laugh. All these are in part recipes for better mental health which I might go into more in depth in later weeks. Suffice to say.. To give openly, expecting nothing in return but to thrive.

For co-opertion is living and thriving, competition is going through the motions of life. What do you chose? And if you chose it, dont just tell me as thats useless... go out there and demonstrate it by actions! Only then can you be yourself, often.

  --- Rev Dr.  Joel Lamoure September 2012

Saturday 8 September 2012

The Sound of Emptiness

Greetings my gentle readers to another week that was and will be yet again and the “Be Yourself, Often” Blog. A time when we can reflect on the actions and challenges and opportunities of the week and filter them through the contributions, good and bad that we have imprinted upon the event. Reflection and meditation with quietness and goodness on the positivity that can extend from any, absolutely any encounter that will and has transpired. My new book, “The Peacock on Viagra” available at offers reflections and further meditative statements from the period of 2009-2012.

One of the things that have kept coming back over the past 2 months to me and in finalizing the book is the expression “No life is done until all the lives that have been touched are done”. There is much that we are able to offer in simply how we do things and what others see of us. I have stated over and over again that our Beliefs define our thoughts, which will define our actions, which will ultimately define our outcomes.  There are also past energies and karmic reflection at play here which are fourth dimension that we can conceptualize, but never really touch.

And touch is such a valued sacrament my friend. Not just the physical sense, but also all of our senses are touched by the actions of people and we inherently filter those through our own genetics, nature, nurture and experiences. Thus there can be no two people that see exactly the same thing. To take the time and listen to inspiration or what people have to say is incredible on many levels. Our hearts, ears, souls can be touched, if we allow by individuals that inspire us. For we all have the blessing and gift of being teachers… whether we know it or not.

When a teacher departs, for whatever reason… there is a sense of emptiness and loss. Often it is a loved one, family, friend or animal. We cry at the emptiness and feel the loss, often because we know that touch (physical, written, spoken, seen) will never be encountered again in this lifespan. There is a large sound of silence that can only be labeled akin to being on the end of a phone receiver, but the connection is gone. There is no sound emptier than a dead line.

Reflections of the loss of that connection through death or other actions should give us pause. So many say that in times when the end is near, that family pulls together and this is true. That there is an unconditional love that extends for a short time as we look at that black implacable wall of nothingness. And then we feel the shock wave hit us… the connection is gone. Phone lines down, not even an operator standing by.

Yet it is because we love that that memory and the touch resonates still within us and we can reflect on the time when the person, pet or loved one was there and we can be at ease and almost feel their touch upon us again.  For as we move forward, they live on in us through the actions, gifts and touches they have taught us and imparted on us.

Thank you to all those brave souls who give, offer and have passed on… yet are still with us. It is reflections like these in the moments of a dead line that remind you to embrace everything up front and it is not about money or an infusion of cash… that will not save us in the end. We can replace all the stuff in the world, but not that gentle touch and kind heart and often we have guilt as survivors for what could have been.

Maybe, just maybe we can learn in our periods of loss, remove the ego from the equation and want and embrace and feel and especially appreciate the small things and gifts. For I believe my gentle readers, that if we can learn to love the small things and the touch of others, they will help us to help us which will then help others and truly in a sense of purity and Light to be yourself, often.

                                    ~~ Rev. Dr. Joel Lamoure  September 2012

Saturday 1 September 2012

Dream Beyond the Expectations

Greetings my gentle readers to another week’s installment of the “Be Yourself, Often” blog. That time when we are able to step back, reflect, dissect and discuss the moments that have been what we called the week that was, all under the premises of advancing our humanity, spirit and power to learn in a way that begets more positives.

Along the way we should be aiming for a shoreline and a destination that we strongly believe in based in our own Belief structure.  We know well that our Beliefs will define our thoughts, which will impact our actions, which will change in a positive or negative way the outcomes that we receive. Certainly we know that not all outcomes are deserved, desired or what we had expected at the time, but it is balancing the concepts that everything is exactly as meant to be versus the human desires that we have.

Those human desires tend to be sold as a bill of sale as the expectations that we will be able to have in life. Even more, that illusion and challenge is becoming more robust as these fallacies often set us up for a fall… a major one. Why is that? We know that we cannot take it with us yet we hoard and express and demonstrate so many of Dante’s Deadly Sins. These sins all tend to root around the general concept of the self and greed.

Greed and the golden calf and the moneychangers at the table offer us a very valuable lesson. For we know what befell these civilizations and individuals. Yet, what of the individuals that was and is hurt along the way? What about them? As the divide becomes wider and the lines of reality become fuzzier, what eventually will transpire? One may hypothesize that the expectations and the world of stuff will become a non-issue. We move into worlds of karmic outcomes at this point and ultimately the actions of the individual…not the system will define their outcomes. Relying on the societal driven outcomes I worry may lead us to a form of group hysteria, or even worse if history is to educate us well.

It means that this is the time to help advance humanity at a critical point where there is risk of divide. There are those that are headed to evil acts behind the curtain and prosper and those that are wonderful friend who give and have gifts and talents that they share without remuneration and suffer. There is no set reason in this chaos theory, which reinforces the desire to come to a common ground of the bill of sale of the machine.

To dream beyond the expectations means that how would we act at the end days? What if we were actually in the proverbial foxhole and what would you do?  This should rule our actions in the here and now, even beyond a theological discussion and ties into basic kindness, humanities and ethics. For those that are able to look to that outcome, which will happen to all of us will obtain their desired goals. What do others think of you when you are gone? What sort of life are you living? Is it rooted in ego and you or rooted in humanity? How do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are you able to see the positives, or always denigrate others?

A goal I have is to give the incredible kindness and bounty of intelligent concern, love, kindness and positivity to others and advance the curve. The best curve on a person after all, is their smile.

Really, to dream beyond expectations means are you willing to hold the ladder to help others up, pull them out of the fire or do you push them in? We have the ability rich or poor to practice basic humanity for it costs little and to save the world and live the dream.  You can be positive or negative in approach and also feeding or dousing the fire… again, you drive your outcomes beyond the expectations offered in the now. Whatever you do, will return in aces and good or bad will define and become and be yourself, often.

                        ~~~ Rev. Dr. Joel Lamoure     September 2012